CSR Sodexo Stop Hunger Initiative in Odisha Making Progress towards Better Tomorrow

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives have gained significant importance in recent years, with companies realizing their role in creating a better tomorrow. Sodexo, a leading provider of quality of life services, has taken up the cause of ending hunger and malnutrition in India through its “Stop Hunger” initiative. The company has partnered with NGOs and government agencies to implement programs that provide access to food and education in communities across the country. This report highlights the progress made by Sodexo’s Stop Hunger initiative in Odisha.
In Odisha, Sodexo’s Stop Hunger initiative has partnered with Akshaya Patra Foundation to provide mid-day meals to underprivileged children in government schools. The initiative aims to address the issue of malnutrition and promote education by ensuring that children receive at least one nutritious meal a day. Sodexo and Akshaya Patra Foundation have set up centralized kitchens in the region that prepare and distribute meals to over 10,000 children across 68 government schools.

The initiative has made significant progress since its launch in 2019. Sodexo and Akshaya Patra Foundation have worked together to ensure that children receive healthy, nutritious meals that meet their daily requirements. In addition to addressing malnutrition, the initiative has also helped increase school attendance and reduce dropout rates. The meals provided have encouraged parents to send their children to school, as they are assured that their children will receive at least one meal a day. The initiative has also generated employment opportunities for locals, as the centralized kitchens require a large workforce to prepare and distribute meals.

Sodexo’s Stop Hunger initiative in Odisha has had a significant impact on the community. The initiative has addressed the issue of malnutrition and promoted education by ensuring that children receive at least one nutritious meal a day. The initiative has increased school attendance and reduced dropout rates, providing underprivileged children with access to education. The centralized kitchens set up in the region have generated employment opportunities for locals, contributing to the local economy. Overall, the initiative has helped create a more sustainable and equitable future for the community.

Sodexo’s Stop Hunger initiative in Odisha is a prime example of how corporations can contribute to creating a better tomorrow through their CSR initiatives. The initiative has addressed the issue of malnutrition and promoted education, providing underprivileged children with access to nutritious meals and education. The partnership between Sodexo and Akshaya Patra Foundation has been successful in achieving its goals and has had a significant impact on the community. The initiative serves as a model for other companies to follow, highlighting the importance of corporate responsibility in creating a sustainable future

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